Behind Reincarnate: Polish Green Building Council
At Reincarnate, we are working to develop the technical and social means to…
Reincarnate@Berlin Science Week 2022 with BAM
Berlin Science Week is an annual science festival from 1 to 10 November that…
Behind Reincarnate: Austrian Standards
At Reincarnate, we are working to develop the technical and social means to…
Behind Reincarnate: Erasmus University Rotterdam
At Reincarnate, we are working to develop the technical and social means to…
A step forward towards the digitalisation of the construction industry
The European Commission's "Digitalisation of Construction SMEs" project has…
Reincarnate participates at the Swedish Trace4Value meeting
Our colleagues from Ragn-Sells had the chance to introduce the Reincarnate…
Reincarnate partners meet for their First General Assembly in Delft
Reincarnate partners met in person in its first two-day physical meeting,…
REINCARNATE is on the German Newspaper ABZ!
On September 9th, the renowned German newspaper Allgemeine Bauzeitung (ABZ)…
The European research project Reincarnate has officially started
The construction sector is one of the largest waste producers in Europe,…