Circularity is a top priority for the European Union, particularly in the built environment, as it is one of the largest consumers of resources and produces a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. To promote circular practices in the industry, seven proactive European projects, including Reincarnate, participated in an online event called “Reconmatic Clustering Event: Promoting Circularity in Construction” with a spirit of collaboration.

Coordinated by sister project RECONMATIC and hosted by the BUILD-UP platform, the virtual session gathered 97 participants, reaching an attendance rate of 63%. Beeyonders, Circular B COST Action, RoBertArmé, REDOL, VALREC and Reincarnate presented their shared vision for an effective twin transition in the built environment.

Activating synergies through discussions

The first panel of the webinar presented the twin transition projects and highlighted technical similarities in their development.

“The main goal of all the projects is linked to circularity aspects, among which is to reduce CO2 emissions, reduce waste and ensure better and more efficient use of construction-generated data”, expressed Anna Palaiologk from Future Needs, representing the Reconmatic project.

During the session, Samaneh Rezvani, Technical Coordinator at Reincarnate’s partner DEMO Consultants, explained how our project address circularity in construction through eleven innovations and the CP-IM platform while engaging in discussions with the participating projects.

Exchanging dissemination opportunities

In addition to exchanging each project’s technical approach and the digital developments foreseen, members of each project shared with the audience and participating projects a roadmap with the different activity plans. This exchange of information was fruitful for exploring concrete opportunities for dissemination, such as events and workshops to enhance synergies and establish fruitful cooperation.

Representing the Reincarnate project, Carmen Serna from AUSTRALO, the Communication and Dissemination Leader, shared details of upcoming events such as the Sustainable Places Conference in Luxembourg, the PLGBC Green Building Summit in October, and training activities planned for the following year.

All in all, the webinar was an important step towards advancing sustainability and circularity in the construction sector. Thanks to this initiative by the Reconmatic project, participants had the opportunity to connect with other like-minded projects and share their developments openly with the general public.

Learn more about BUILD-UP here!

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 Reincarnate Community of Practice