Reincarnate 1st Newsletter is out!

Our first newsletter is out! In Reincarnate, we are developing the technical…

Behind Reincarnate: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und – prüfung (BAM)

During the following months, we introduce our team members through the "Behind…

RBB TV Report Berlin Science Week: Using construction waste correctly

Yesterday RBB showcased a TV report about the Reincarnate project on the…

Reincarnate@Berlin Science Week 2022 with BAM

Berlin Science Week is an annual science festival from 1 to 10 November that…

Reincarnate participates at the Swedish Trace4Value meeting

Our colleagues from Ragn-Sells had the chance to introduce the Reincarnate…

Reincarnate partners meet for their First General Assembly in Delft

Reincarnate partners met in person in its first two-day physical meeting,…

REINCARNATE is on the German Newspaper ABZ!

On September 9th, the renowned German newspaper Allgemeine Bauzeitung (ABZ)…